Specialised cyber security training for schools
Develop skills in cyber security for your students and ready them for 21st century cyber security careers. CyberPathways specialises in innovative school-specific training in cyber through digital safety incursions, cyber boot camps, accredited or non-accredited awareness, real-world skill development in a custom cyber-range, or competing in the Australian Schools Cyber Challenge.

Is your school cyber secure?
Schools rank last of 17 major industries in cyber security preparedness.
Schools are some of the most targeted organisations for cyber criminals, due to their inherent vulnerabilities in networks and access points, and the value of the personal data they hold.
The increase in remote learning opens schools up to significantly higher risk of attack, and IT infrastructure needs to control threats accessed outside of the traditionally safe school network perimeter.
Develop Cyber training programs for your school and improve your security posture.
Our solutions
CyberPathways offers a range of off-the-shelf and bespoke training solutions which can improve your school’s security posture, and deliver practical training to students, staff and your broader community.
Australian Schools Cyber Challenge
Learn real-world skills, and link up with post-secondary study and career pathways through the Australian Schools' Cyber Challenge
Cyber Essentials
Protect from emerging threats, develop core skills and improve the security posture of your campus with tailored awareness training designed to safeguard your school from costly cyber attacks
Equip students to navigate our digital world, with curriculum aligned, hands-on and FUN cyber incursions for primary and secondary students
Accredited Training
Upskill senior students with nationally recognised qualifications and practical upskilling via short and long courses in cyber security.
Cyber Range
Open up a world of possibility through real-wor for students through the build and deployment of a custom-branded, cloud-hosted cyber range.
Cyber Risk Audit
A comprehensive forensic diagnostic monitoring tool to scan, assess, monitor and fortify every day systems and human behaviours within your school
Register today to compete in 2025
Australian Schools Cyber Challenge
Learn real-world skills using the leading Australian cyber range. Compete to become Australia’s leading cyber educational institution.

Did you know?
Students are naturally curious, and prone to falling victim to phishing and other malicious activities

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Australia's education sector has the 4th highest number of reported breaches, with reported attacks increasing by 29% in 2022
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A severe shortage and critical skills gap exists: by 2026, it's estimated Australia will need almost 17000 additional job-ready cyber security workers

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The education sector faced the largest number of ransomware attacks, with 44% of organisations affected internationally
The CyberPathways difference
Part of EdTech Group, we’re an experienced and trusted partner to businesses and schools across Australia. We’re ready to transform your cyber security training platform.
Best Practice content
High quality Cyber Security learning pathways, refreshed annually and designed by specialist instructional designers
Customisable content
Use our existing modules for instant skill-boosts, use tailored industry-specific modules, or build bespoke modules tailored to your needs
Live threat simulations
Provide a safe, secure learning environment for staff and students to practice skills and respond to live threats and simulated attacks.
Learning frameworks
Map SOC capabilities using commercial diagnostic assessments to identify and fill skill gaps across your team
On-demand platforms
Self-paced, virtual learning programs with real time completion reporting. Host in our LMS or embed in your existing systems.
Improve compliance
Ensure business and insurance compliance with structured, accountable and customisable training options.
Ready to get started?
Find out how CyberPathways can help your school human-proof your cyber security

Tanya Neilsen
"CyberPathways has delivered innovative learning programs, cyber security training, and cyber boot camps to our boys - they're an invaluable partner for BGS."
Let's chat!
Our Cyber Security experts can answer any questions you have about training and fortification of your business. Fill in the enquiry form and we’ll be in touch with you soon!
Or contact us today:
Our solutions
CyberPathways offers a range of standardised and bespoke training solutions to human-proof your cyber risk profile
Cyber Risk Audit
A comprehensive forensic diagnostic monitoring tool to scan, assess, monitor and fortify every day systems and human behaviours within your organisation
Cyber Essentials
Fortify your frontline, develop core skills and protect from emerging threats with tailored awareness training designed to safeguard your business or school from costly cyber attacks
Accredited Training
Develop technical skills to protect against constantly evolving cyber security threats. Training can be stand-along programs, or embedded into Cyber Range training environment
Cyber Range
Hone your SOC-team skills in a hyper-realistic virtual cyber range delivering custom learning pathways, individual and team upskilling and live-fire exercises and crisis simulations