Manage Cyber Risk and improve security posture
Manage Cyber Risk and improve security posture

Cyber Risk Audit

A fast, detailed and cost-effective review to identify which systems are most at risk of an attack.

Do you understand your school's cyber risk profile?

Our Cyber Risk Audit will shine a light on where your data is, who has access to it, and what they are doing with it, to minimise risk to your school or educational institute.

Cyber Risk Audit is resource-light, detailed and FAST, providing an independent view of real data risks, and recommendations on what to do.

A simple click on the wrong link can be costly!

Human error poses the most significant threat to organisations.
9 out of 10 schools are shocked by the data risks they unknowingly accept.
Gain the knowledge to avoid getting hooked by phishing scams.

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Ensure that your faculty, teachers and students are your best line of defence against cyber criminals.

How our Cyber Risk Audit benefits everyone

Discover where sensitive data is stored

Discover where sensitive data is stored

Understand how and where your teaching staff and students store and manage data across your campus

Assess the handling of data within your IT ecosystem

Assess the handling of data within your IT ecosystem

View detailed internal and external data flows across your institute

Define acceptable compliance programs

Define acceptable compliance programs

With data insights gained, define your processes, data controls and compliance programs to improve areas of vulnerabilities

Understand behavioural activity

Understand behavioural activity

Gain insights into the human habits and behaviours within your school and develop specific training to avoid any potential data breaches

Receive clear recommendations

Receive clear recommendations

The Cyber Risk Audit provides you with clear recommendations across training, processes, and technology to support investment decisions and future roadmaps.

Regular training to embed new processes

Regular training to embed new processes

Educate and upskill your staff, students and broader community on compliance and best practice data handling processes to improve security posture 

Would your Staff take the bait?

Understanding where your data sits, who has access to it, and what they are doing with it is the first step to creating a holistic overview of your cybersecurity posture.

Protect Your Education Assets

Register here to download a sample report or request a free demonstration of a Cyber Risk Audit for your school