Course Summary

Who is this course for?
Technical staff – rapid upskill

Course Duration
5 Days full time

Delivery Mode
Blended course delivery: mix of in-person and online

Course Structure
5 Units of Study
Prerequisites: NIL
Course overview
Develop targeted, high-demand Network Cyber Security Skills.
This short course is designed to rapidly upskill any technical staff member in any industry with practical, hands-on skill in cyber threat mitigation and network protection.
This is a technical course designed to deliver critical cyber security protection skills which can be applied to network vulnerabilities, cabling installation and setup, smart wiring, and data storage and protection.
Course outcomes
Students will graduate with a Statement of Attainment from this course issued by Comtech (RTO90933), and use this to apply for study credit for the Cert IV in Cyber Security or the Cert IV in Telecommuncations Network Engineering.
Possible career opportunities with this qualification:
Systems administrator
Managed Service Provider
Network Security Provider
Training Locations
Accredited Cyber Security training is scheduled year-round across Australia by Comtech (RTO90933)
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Course Content
Students will learn specific skills and knowledge to provide network cyber security services within their businesses or as a managed service provider to other businesses. This short course feeds into further study in the Certificate IV in Cyber Security (22603VIC) and the Certificate IV in Telecommunications Network Engineering (ICT41219)
5 Unit Microcredential
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to install, configure and test network security in an organisational environment. It applies to individuals who are involved in the installation, configuration, and testing of network security for networks of any size in job roles including network administrator, penetration tester, and security consultant.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to implement and manage security functions throughout a network.
It applies to individuals with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) expertise and lead the development of strategic reviews of security and provide technical advice, guidance and leadership in resolution of specified problems.
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to configure an operating system on a personal computer, adding security, setting user level passwords and privileges to limit and identify user access – all required to increase protection of the end point from cyber security attacks.
The unit also provides an overview of internet of things (IoT) devices, an introduction to computer networking virtualisation and base level Linux commands.
The unit applies to individuals working as cyber security technicians either alone or as part of a team.
This unit describes the performance outcomes, knowledge and skills required to detect and recognise discrepancies in data by performing analysis. The unit covers the collection of data on a scenario and performing basic analysis which includes the process of breaking down the scenario to a set of subtasks which are examined for their effectiveness.
The unit also examines databases as a repository for data and the vulnerabilities that exist as well as software tools to support pattern recognition.
This unit is applies to individuals working as cyber security technician either alone or as part of a team..
This unit describes the performance outcomes skills and knowledge required to investigate the fundamentals of Windows security features.
It requires the ability to comprehend the basic architecture of Windows, identify security features such as log files, instrumentation and how a basic attack might occur. The unit includes tools to collect security data centrally and query it to identify potential threats.
This unit applies to individuals working as cyber security technicians either alone or as part of a team.